Blue-throated Barbet Psilopogon asiaticus Scientific name definitions

Anand Krishnan
Version: 2.0 — Published April 21, 2023

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Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).
Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies davisoni).
Possible confusion species: Moustached Barbet (P. incognitus).

Moustached Barbet (subspecies elbeli) has a black malar stripe that divides the face in two, and also possesses no black and less red on the crown.

Possible confusion species: Moustached Barbet (P. incognitus).

Moustached Barbet (subspecies elbeli) has no black and less red on the crown.

Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies davisoni).
Possible confusion species: Blue-eared Barbet (P. duvaucelii).

Blue-eared Barbet (subspecies cyanotis) is smaller and lacks red on the crown, with small red and black patches below eyes.

Possible confusion species: Blue-eared Barbet (P. duvaucelii).

Blue-eared Barbet (subspecies duvaucelii) has small red and black patches below eyes and can have black ear-coverts.

Juvenile Blue-throated Barbet, undergoing Preformative Molt (subspecies asiaticus).

The blue of the head can be reduced and replaced by dusky. The red of the forecrown is dull and the dark bar is sooty. Juvenile flight feathers are narrower and edged with duller green than basic feathers. The Preformative Molt (here as evidenced by the bright blue head feathers) may commence shortly after or even sometimes before fledging, as suspected in other Asian barbets; study is needed. Note here the dull bill and iris.

Juvenile Blue-throated Barbet, possibly undergoing Preformative Molt (subspecies asiaticus).

This young Blue-throated Babet may show brighter juvenile feathering than average or the Preformative Molt may have commenced before fledging.

Formative Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

Formative Plumage is similar to Definitive Basic Plumage but appears to be separable by the retention of the juvenile flight feathers and molt limits between formative and juvenile upperwing coverts and sometimes tertials. Here note the replaced formative inner greater coverts and tertials, contrasting with the more worn juvenile outer greater coverts and secondaries. Body plumage averages duller green. Retained juvenile flight feathers are relatively narrow, browner and with duller edging, and worn, the rectrices and outer primaries tapered or rounded rather than truncated at the tips. Note also the dull bill and iris.

Formative Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

Here the back feathers and perhaps some upperwing lesser coverts appear to be replaced and contrast with the retained, duller and browner,remaining juvenile wing feathers. The rectrices appear dull, brownish, and rounded at the tips.

Formative Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

Note the comparatively dull head and body plumage and the worn narrow rectrices, rounded at the tips. The red spots on the underparts are reduced.

Definitive Basic Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies davisoni).

Definitive Basic Plumage is separated from Formative Plumage by brighter average body feathering with the red, blue, and black feathering of the head and upper breast averaging brighter. Basic flight feathers are relatively broad and darker slate to blackish with bight green edging, relatively fresh, and with the rectrices and outer primaries truncated at the tips.

Definitive Basic Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies davisoni).

Note the uniformly basic body and flight feathers. The remiges and rectrices are broad and darker slate to blackish with bight glossy green edging. The rectrices and outer primaries are truncated at the tips. Note also the red iris.

Definitive Basic Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

Note the bright plumage, blackish primary tips, truncated rectrices, and deep red iris.

Definitive Basic Blue-throated Barbet exhibiting erythrism (subspecies asiaticus).

Head plumage is normally pigmented but most of the green feathering of the rest of the upperparts is strikingly red. The broad and truncate rectrices indicate Definitive Basic Plumage.

Definitive Basic Blue-throated Barbet exhibiting erythrism (subspecies asiaticus).

The head and upper breast plumage is normally pigmented but the underparts are red with yellow mottling. The broad and truncate rectrices indicate Definitive Basic Plumage.

Blue-throated Barbet undergoing Prefromative Molt (subspecies asiaticus).

Duller juvenile head and upperpart feathers are being replaced by brighter formative feathers. The narrow worn rectrices and dull green feather edging help indicate this as being the Preformative Molt.

Blue-throated Barbet undergoing Definitive Prebasic Molt (subspecies asiaticus).

During Definitive Prebasic Molts, primaries molt distally from innermost p1 to outermost p10 and secondaries have two molt centers: one from the inner tertial (t1) distally or 2nd or 3rd tertial (t2 or t3) bidirectionally, and another one from the outermost s1 proximally. Here tertials, inner secondaries, inner primaries, and inner rectrices are replaced or growing, contrasting with older flight feathers that appear to be basic (not juvenile) based on shape, color, and wear. The red iris also helps indicate that this is a Definitive rather than a Second Prebasic Molt.

Blue-throated Barbet undergoing Definitive Prebasic Molt (subspecies asiaticus).

Molt of rectrices in barbets show various sequences but a common pattern may be bidirectional replacement on each side of the tail from r2 or r3, as here. Molt of rectrices may occur out of sync with that of primaries and secondaries.

Adult Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

The bill is short and curved with the lateral base of the maxilla expanded. Coloration is bicolored, black or blue-black along the ridge of the upper mandible to the tip and greenish-gray to yellowish at the base. The eye in adults is often reddish-brown and the orbital skin yellowish.

Adult Blue-throated Barbet (subspecies asiaticus).

In adults, the iris can be orangish and the orbital skin bright yellow. Legs and feet can be gray-green with paler soles and slaty black claws

Lateral view (subspecies asiaticus).
Frontal view (subspecies asiaticus).
Dorsal view (subspecies asiaticus).
Lateral view (subspecies davisoni).
Frontal view (subspecies davisoni).
Dorsal view (subspecies davisoni).
Bird in its habitat; Yunnan, China.
Bird in its habitat; Assam, India.
Bird in its habitat; West Bengal, India.
Bird feeding on insect.
Bird feeding on flowers.
Bird feeding on seeds.
Adult in nest; July, Assam, India.
Adult at nest entrance; April, Trongsa, Bhutan.
Adult entering nest with food; July, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Bird building its nest.
Adult at nest entrance.
Adult with food for nestlings.

Macaulay Library Photos for Blue-throated Barbet

Top-rated photos submitted to the Macaulay Library via eBird. Note: Our content editors have not confirmed the species identification for these photos.

Recommended Citation

Krishnan, A. (2023). Blue-throated Barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (N. D. Sly, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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